Spinology Conventions

Biannual Spinology Conventions The holding of Spinology conventions takes place biannually. It is an opportunity for enrichment and fraternity among colleagues around the world. Join our courses and events and be part of our great family. We have the best professionals in the area. Enrique Borredá PRINCIPAL OF THE SCHOOL Knowing how to put across […]
Optimizing Spinology Seminars

Optimizing Spinology Seminars European Spinology Tutorium offers regular seminars for every Spinologist to help optimize their Spinology practice and to provide constant support to the professional. Join our courses and events and be part of our great family. We have the best professionals in the area. Enrique Borredá PRINCIPAL OF THE SCHOOL Spinology is a […]
Certified Spinologist Diploma

Certified Spinologist Diploma Spinology is a profession designed specifically to assist the body to function and perform at its optimum. Your spine is constantly in motion, being affected positively and negatively by physical, chemical and emotional changes. Spinologists work with the living body only when it cannot correct itself by applying gentle, specific forces into […]
Master in Spinology for DCs

Master in Spinology for DCs Spinology is a classical technique used by Reggie Gold in chiropractic’s golden age, before the complexities of insurance and unnecessarily complicated techniques, when a chiropractor sank or swam based upon client satisfaction because the client was paying out of pocket. It is a way of getting back to the fundamentals […]