Get to know About Us
At European Spinology Tutorium we are convinced that a person’s persistence and strength of character are the most effective measures for him or her to succeed in the field of Spinology.

Our Story
The EUROPEAN SPINOLOGY TUTORIUM European school for training Spinologists gathers the experience of more than 30 years as trainers in the necessary skills to practice the profession of Spinology and enjoys an internationally recognized teaching reputation and social prestige.
Our Vision
EUROPEAN SPINOLOGY TUTORIUM is committed to training SPINOLOGISTS who aspire to deep, positive and stable health and well-being in the people with whom they interact, thanks to their professionalism, integrity and spirit of service.
Our Books
Spinology is a vitalist profession that exists to help create a better world. The effect of spinology is like that of the shock waves of water when stimulated by raindrops.
The drops are subtle but their reach is enormous. Discover a philosophy with principles of respect for natural laws.
Be amazed at the impact you can create if you maintain the functional harmony of your body and that of your loved ones with regular adjustments to your spine. (Enrique Borreda Lopez)
Our Youtube Channel
Interesting Questions
Yes, actually, we have a blended learning course. It is a different type of learning Spinology, using e – learning for the theoretical part of the training program, and having intensive onsite seminars.
The practice of Spinology is a skill, which must be learned by regular hands – on – training, and practice. This crucial component of the program requires intensive classroom seminars announced promptly in the website of the school
Absolutely, not. Spinology requires skill and sensitivity, not brute strength.
It therefore offers exceptional career opportunities to both men and women, regardless of their physical stature.
Certain handicaps may prevent one from becoming a Spinologist, while others such as blindness or loss of lower body control may not be a problem at all.
Therefore, each situation will be evaluated individually.
We are not interested in making comparisons, but rather, in training each individual to become the best Spinologist she or he can become.
We, therefore, have only two grades: ready-to-continue, or not-yet-ready-tocontinue. Each individual thus proceeds at his or her own pace until each stage is mastered before moving on to the next.
New groups start twic
Opportunities for Certified Spinologists are excellent! Graduates are expected to enter private practice, either alone or in association with other Spinologists.
Income potential will be determined by the same intangible of skill, personality and willingness to work that determine the success of any other professional practice.
While the success level of any graduate is largely determined by the individual, specific subjects are directed toward success training, motivation and good, sound, ethical business procedures.
Additionally, plans are being developed for national advertising campaigns to stimulate public demand for Spinology services.
Consistent with our philosophy, our policy is to open our doors to all who have, or are able to develop, the necessary aptitudes regardless of prior educational background. We do not want to exclude any capable person because of lack of such background. Furthermore, we are not satisfied that any combination of aptitude or achievement tests scores can predict performance. Reliance upon such scores might permit some good test-takers to be accepted, and some good future Spinologists to be rejected.
Such intangibles as interest, enthusiasm and sensitivity are of paramount importance. Therefore, we have chosen to use the first three modules of the training program itself as a screening procedure. In this way, school and enrolee may appraise and evaluate each other. If either the enrolee or the school decides termination of training, tuition fees will be refunded in accordance to the policy stated previously.
To our knowledge, no regulations exist in Europe or elsewhere to restrict the practice of Spinology. In Spain, for instance, the profession has started satisfactorily its protocol towards regulation. Eventually, Irish Spinologists will follow the same path. In other countries of Europe, it is just a matter of adapting the practice of Spinology to their regulations without jeopardizing the philosophy of the profession. The U.S. has stated laws that differ greatly. Each state has a governing body to make specific decisions in such areas. The fact
that Spinology does not offer a service as a healing art facilitates the task everywhere.
Enrique Borredá
Certified Spinologist, graduated from the Philadelphia Spinal Tutorium in 1981.
Principal of the European Spinology Tutorium.
President of the Spinology World Council.
Ján Beytell
Michael D. Meyer
Jonathan Kelly
Michelle Fogarty
Specialist Teaching Staff:
Other professionals are brought in to present in areas such as marketing, business principles, communications and legal issues.